All Magics in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot, Explained (2024)

By: Grace Doyle - Updated:

Learn all about Grimshot's Magics here!

All Magics in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot, Explained (1)

Image via Roblox Clover Kingdom: Grimshot

Magic is undeniably one of the most important parts of theBlack Cloverinspired Roblox experience,Clover Kingdom: Grimshot. Through Magic, players can grow stronger, learn unique moves and abilities, and ultimately work towards becoming the strongest Magic Knight or villain in the world. In the guide below, we'll be listing every Magic in the Clover Kingdom: Grimshot, how to get them, and what moves they offer.

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Magic List

Common Magic

These magics can be spun at the common tower.

  • Basic Regeneration Magic
    • Type:
      • Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Early Regeneration
        • Regenerates around 40 percent health over a span of five seconds for 50 Mana
  • Transparency Magic
    • Type:
      • Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Invisible
        • Makes user invisible for 10 seconds after a 10 second cooldown
  • Spatial Magic
    • Type:
      • Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Portal
        • User creates a portal and teleports a few feet away from their current location
  • Basic Weakening Magic
    • Type:
      • Defensive
        • Moves:
      • [E] - Black Out
        • User shoots out a force that slows down enemies for five seconds for 50 Mana
  • Ash Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Ash Absorbing Formation
        • Drains the enemy's health for five seconds for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Joyful Destructive Ash
        • User damages and blinds the enemy for five seconds for 50 Mana
  • Copper Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Red Shine Mace
        • User slams the ground with a giant mace, dealing AOE damage to enemies and launching them backwards for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Copper Shield
        • Increases defense by 25 percent over a span of five seconds for 50 Mana

Related: How to get money quickly in Roblox Clover Kingdom: Grimshot?

Uncommon Magic

These magics can be spun for at the uncommon tower.

  • Lightning Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Thunder God's Gloves
        • Creates lightning gloves that, when used to punch, stun opponents for up to 3 seconds for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Thunder God's Boots
        • Creates a pair of lightning boots that, while equipped, increase movement speed by 3x for 50 Mana
      • [F] - Thunder God's Wrath
        • User punches the ground to create lightning shock waves that stun opponents for up to 3 seconds for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Thunderclap Crumbling Orb
        • User creates a small beam of lightning that stuns enemies for up to 3 seconds for 200Mana
  • Ice Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Heavenly Ice Fang
        • User releases ice spikes from the ground that freeze their target for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Ice Slicer
        • User creates a long ranged icicle that stabs out of the ground and freezes their target for 100 Mana
      • [F] - Jotunn's Ice Floe
        • User forms an ice ball in the air, then smashes it down onto their target for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Icicle Bridge
        • User creates a massive ice bridge that freezes enemies for 250 Mana
      • [V] - Crystal Ice Shield
        • User spawns an unbreakable shield that absorbs and nullifies all incoming front-facing damage for five seconds for 300 Mana
  • Trap Magic
    • Type:
      • Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Bind Trap
        • User creates a transparent circle on the ground that immobilizes anyone who walks through it for five to six seconds
  • Mirror Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Reflect Ray
        • User creates a small ray of light that is very difficult to hit
      • [R] - Reflect Refrain
        • User creates a ray of light that is relatively easy to hit
      • [F] - Large Reflect Ray
        • User creates a large ray of light that is difficult to hit
      • [V] - Real Double
        • User creates a clone of themself and is able to cast magic
  • Fire Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Firebolt
        • User shoots a massive ball of fire towards their target that explodes on contact, dealing high AOE damage and causing a burn effect that lasts for a few seconds
      • [R] - Combo Eruption
        • User shoots numerous fireballs at their target that do minor damage on contact, but leave the enemy with a massive burn, leading to a high amount of passive damage as the battle continues
      • [F] - Calidus Brachium
        • User shoots a cloud of embers at their enemy
      • [G] - Calidus Brachium Purgatory
        • User shoots blue rings of fire from their fist, causing high damage and a unique burn effect
      • [V] - Leo Rugiens
        • User summons a lion-shaped spirit that releases a high range, high damage, massive beam of fire onto their target
  • Earth Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Solid Rock
        • User creates a large spherical rock in the air and launches it at their target, dealing a high amount of AOE damage
      • [R] - Multiple Solid Rock
        • User creates multiple, medium-sized rocks in the air and launches them all at their target, dealing a massive amount of AOE damage
      • [F] - Rock Spike
        • User summons multiple rock spikes from the ground that do medium damage to the target
      • [G] - Rock Fist
        • User releases a massive rock fist at their opponent that deals an extremely high amount of damage and makes the opponent unable to run
      • [V] - Rising Ground
        • User summons numerous rock spikes from the ground that launch their target into the air
  • Steel Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Violent Rotating Lance
        • User creates a large, spiraling force that damages all targets in front of them for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Blazing Spiral Lance
        • User creates a steel lance that quickly attacks nearby targets in a circular motion for 100 Mana
      • [F] - Steel Castle's Armored Wall
        • User creates a massive, steel wall that protects them from the target for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Steel Needle
        • User creates multiple sharp, steel bullets that continuously launch for five seconds for 200 Mana
      • [V] - Steel Strike
        • User launches a force of massive, steel pillars in front of them for 250 Mana
  • Water Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [Passive] - Water Barrier
        • This passive ability nullifies all burn damage, minus Fire Magic's G move, making it a very good counter ability.
      • [E] - Holy Water Assassination Bullet
        • User releases a decently ranged, spinning water bullet for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Sea Dragon Waterball
        • User creates a circular water barrier that can be used to trap the target or protect themself for 100 Mana
      • [F] - Death Dealing Sea Serpent
        • User create a whirlpool of water that deals damage to targets in close range for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Tainted Culvert Wyrm
        • User releases a decently ranged Water Wyrm that deals damage to all targets in its path for 200 Mana
      • [V] - Sea Dragon's Roar
        • User releases a massive Water Dragon similar to the Water Wyrm, but that deals higher damage, is longer ranged, and has a bigger hitbox for 250 Mana
  • Light Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Light Sword of Judgement
        • User releases an extremely fast light particle that inflicts damage to their target for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Healing Ray of Light
        • User encloses themself in a sphere of light and regenerates a large portion fo their health
      • [V] - Arrows of Punishment
        • User rains down massive swords of light that deal high amounts of damage to a wide area
  • Slash Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [Passive] - CHC Increase
        • User will do 50 percent more damage for each mouse click move, and has an increased critical hit chance that will raise the damage of this move by 300 percent, along with having an increased chance of landing critical hits with both Death Scythe and Lunatic Slash, raising their damage by 300 percent as well
      • [E] - Death Scythe
        • User creates forearm blades out of Mana and powerfully slashes their target
      • [R] - Lunatic Slash
        • User creates forearm blades out of Mana and unleashes a chaotic flurry of flying slashes
      • [F] - Leg Strength Boost
        • The user concentrates their magic into their legs, increasing their leg strength to boost their running speed and jump distance
  • Dice Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [Passive] - Dodge Outcome
        • A passive ability that changes the users dodge skill depending on their die outcome
          • 1 = Weakest (Damage yourself by 0.5)
          • 2 = Weak (25 percent)
          • 3 = Default ( 50 percent)
          • 4 = Strong (75 percent)
          • 5 = Stronger (100 percent)
          • 6 = Strongest (100 percent + attack enemy by 0.5 damage with a knockback)
      • [E] - Gambler's Fallacy
        • This ability has six, varying laser beam attacks, the damage of which is dependent on the number that the user rolls on their die each time
          • 1 = Weakest (Damage yourself by 0.2)
          • 2 = Weak (0.5)
          • 3 = Default (1)
          • 4 = Strong (1.5)
          • 5 = Stronger (2.5)
          • 6 = Strongest (5)
          • 1 = Weakest / Damage yourself by 0.5

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Rare Magic

These magics can be spun for at the rare tower.

  • Dark Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Dusk
        • User creates a dark, circular force that deals damage to all enemies in its path for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Black Hole Web
        • User creates a large web that stuns enemies upon contact for a short period of time for 100 Mana
      • [F] - Sound Black Hole
        • User emits a black hole around themself that deals damage to all enemies within close range for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Dark Rage
        • User emits a slow-moving circle of darkness around themself that deals damage to all enemies within close range for 250 Mana
      • [V] - Big Dusk
        • User summons multiple, massively damaging dark rings that decrease enemy stamina along with health for 250 Mana
    • Awakened Moves (Yami's Katana required in order to use):
      • [Awakened E] - Dark Cloaked Black Blade
        • User releases a fast, dark force with a wide damage area for 300 Mana
      • [Awakened R] - Dark Cloaked Avidya Slashes
        • User releases multiple fast, dark forces with a smaller damage area for 350 Mana
      • [Awakened F] - Dark Cloaked Avidya Wind Slashes
        • User releases multiple katana blade shaped slashes as an exceptionally long ranged attack for 400 Mana
      • [Awakened G] - Dark Binding
        • User creates multiple shadows that slither across the ground to attack the enemy and slow their speed for 450 Mana
      • [Awakened V] - Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash
        • User unleashes a massive, perpendicular slash that deals an exceptionally high amount of damage for 1,500 Mana
  • Wind Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Wind Spear
        • User shoots a wind spear directly in front of them that deals damage to all enemies in its path for 50 Mana
      • [R] - Wind Bullet
        • User shoots an extremely fast but small wind bullet that deals damage to enemies in its path for 100 Mana
      • [F] - Towering Tornado
        • User summons a large, medium-ranged tornado that deals damage to enemies in its path for 150 Mana
      • [G] - Wind Spada
        • User releases a large burst of wind that deals damage to enemies at close range for 200 Mana
      • [V] - Wind Thunder
        • User summons a massive lighting bolt that collides with the ground, dealing damage to all enemies in its vicinity for 250 Mana
    • Awakened Moves (Toggled with [T], no requirements):
      • [Awakened E] - Spirit Wind Bullet
        • User shoots a large wind bullets for 300 Mana
      • [Awakened R] - Spirit Storm
        • User generates and release a large beam of green wind that damages any enemies in its path for 350 Mana
      • [Awakened F] - Tornado Fang
        • User releases a long-ranged wind tunnel that deals damage to enemies in its path for 400 Mana
      • [Awakened G] - Sylph's Breath
        • User shoots a long-ranged, massive wind ball with a giant hitbox that deals damage to all enemies in its path for 450 Mana
      • [Awakened V] - Sword of the Wind Spirit
        • User summons a blast of wind that damages enemies at close range for 500 Mana
  • Sword Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Create Anti-Magic Weapons
        • Used to summon the weapons needed for Anti-Magic
      • [F] - Origin Flash Barrage
        • User releases explosive, spherical fireworks that latch onto nearby enemies to cause damage
      • [R] - Origin Slash
        • User releases a quick-moving, horizontal beam of light with a wide attack area
      • [G] - Conquering Eon
        • User releases a long-ranged, massive ball of energy that deals to damage to enemies in its path
  • Anti-Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Bull Thrust
        • An agility based move that's used to dash forward quickly.
      • [R] - Black Slash
        • While holding the Demon Dweller sword, the user gathers Anti-Magic energy and shoots out various slashes that send the enemy flying backward.
      • [F] - Black Meteorite
        • The user covers their body in Anti-Magic and charges forward with a powerful slash.
      • [G] - Black Hurricane
        • This move is one of the most powerful in all of Clover Kingdom: Grimshot as it releases a massive cyclone cloud that drains everyones' mana to zero and deals large amounts of damage.
      • [V] - Black Divider
        • While holding the Demon Slayer Sword, the user shoots a tall trail of Anti-Magic smoke from the tip of their sword, damaging everyone in its path.
  • Plant Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Magic Pollen
        • User extends their hands towards the target, causing vines to grow between them
      • [R] - Magic Cannon Flower
        • User creates a large flower that launches a powerful beam of concentrated Mana
      • [F] - Dream Healing Flower Basket
        • User summons numerous vines and uses them to form a large cradle that heals allies for 15 seconds
      • [G] - Princess-Healing Flower Robe
        • User transforms into wearing a flower robe that heals themself consistently for 60 seconds
      • [V] - Princess-Healing Flower Paradise
        • This skill, which can only be used when Flower Robe is activated, covers the battlefield in flowers that heal allies and help to regain their stamina
  • Beast Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • Moves:
      • [Passive] - Increased Damage
        • Makes mouse click moves do 3x their base damage
      • [E] - Rhinoceros Armor
        • User summons an armor aura that reduces any incoming damage by 70 percent for 10 seconds
      • [R] - Cheetah Charge
        • User wraps their legs and feet with a magical aura and dashes forward to slash their target
      • [F] - Whale Weight
        • User summons a whale that falls from the sky and crushes their target
      • [G] - Demon Berserker Mode
        • User unleashes a berserker mode that decreases all incoming damage by 40 percent
      • [V] - Berserker Taunt
        • User initiates a taunt that makes all enemies attack you instead of the others in your party

Other Magic

The two magics listed below are both rare magics, though they cannot be spun for in any tower. The details on how to get each magic can be found in their respective lists below.

  • Crystal-Fire Magic
    • Type:
      • Offensive/Defensive
    • How to get:
      • Purchasable from the Doctor NPC near the cabin in Commoner's Realm for 15 Fire Essence, 10 Ice Essence, 1 Heath Crystal, 1 Rock Spirit's Remains and 250 million coins
    • Moves:
      • Crystal Side:
        • [E] - Laevateinn
          • User summons a large sword that unleashes 3x damage on anything it hits
        • [R] - Crystal Cluster
          • User releases a cluster around their body, injuring all enemies in range
        • [F] - Talos Puppet Explosion
          • User summons five to 10 puppets that explode on contact
        • [G] - Heavy Armored Titan
          • User decreases the amount of damage that they receive by 75 percent for 30 seconds
        • [V] - Harpe
          • User summons multiple crystal-shaped harpes that deal 3x damage
      • Fire Side:
        • [E] - Feathers Robe
          • User summons a right fire wing that gives additional regeneration to all party members
        • [R] - Feathers Robe Ally
          • User summons a left fire wing that gives additional regeneration to all party members
  • Demon Venom
    • Type:
      • Offensive
    • How to get:
      • Obtainable from the floating Grimoire in the Noble Realm's Grimoire Tower in exchange for one Salamander's Tail, four Tome of Mysteries, five Vibranium, and one Ancient Fruit
    • Moves:
      • [E] - Destruction Venom Beam
        • User fires a massive beam full of poison that damages the enemy for 10 seconds
      • [R] - Venomous Blaze
        • User summons a venomous ball of fire from the ground that damages all enemies in close range
      • [F] - Violett Schirm
        • User sprays poison gas for a short period of time
      • [G] - Venom Paralyze Strike
        • User releases multiple purple spikes than can knock back opponents and leave them poisoned for upwards of 20 seconds
      • [V] - Turn To Liquid
        • This special ability allows the user to melt themself into a pile of poison liquid and then slither around for a few seconds—when turned back into their human form, the move will damage any enemies nearby
    • Demonic Moves:
      • [E] - Basilisk's Breath
        • User summons a giant basilisk
      • [R] - Basilisk's Breath shot
        • After using Basilisk Breath, this move can be used to shoot massive amounts of poison that deal heavy damage


As of Dec. 2, 2021, this is the full list of all Magics in Clover Kingdom: Grimshot. If more Magics are added to this experience as time goes on, this guide will be updated accordingly.

Looking for more Clover Kingdom: Grimshot content? Check out our guides on all Skills in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom: Grimshot, Explained or all Races in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom: Grimshot!

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About the Author

All Magics in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot, Explained (2) When Grace isn't writing about video games, she's playing them, and probably playing too many at once. Since she was a kid, video games and writing have been her two biggest passions, so getting to combine them for a job has been a dream come true! She's your go-to person for all-things Roblox at PGG, and she's happy to help in whatever way she can!

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All Magics in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot, Explained

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All Magics in Roblox Black Clover Kingdom Grimshot, Explained (2024)


What is the rarest magic in Black Clover? ›

Notably used in different ways by brothers Finral and Langris Roulacase, Spatial Magic is both unique and incredibly versatile. While many use it throughout Black Clover at large, the magic is one of the rarest in the series, with nothing like it seen thus far.

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There are 17 Forms of Magic overall in Black Clover and each is used in notably different manners. Updated on February 26, 2023, by Suzail Ahmad: Like every major shonen series, Black Clover has its own power system.

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While 3-leaf grimoires are most common, Black Clover has also introduced extremely rare 5-leaf grimoires that don't disappear when their user dies. While Asta acquired his 5-leaf grimoire early in the story, the spellbook's mysterious origin wasn't revealed until much later.

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The Six Leaf is the Grimoire of pure untold power as once there is a wielder of a Six Leaf there cannot be another due to the power being overwhelming and destroy the kingdoms of Hearts, Spades and Clovers and there is another legend, the Legend of the First Wizard King, Lumiere Silvamillion Clover the first Light ...

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Strongest Devils in Black Clover (2023)
  • #7 – Beezlebub. Zenon's biggest act in the show is helping to transform Zenon into a demon, and this made him one of the three Devils that made up the Dark Triad. ...
  • #6 and #5 – Lilith and Naamah. ...
  • #4 – Liebe. ...
  • #3 – Megicula. ...
  • #2 – Lucifero. ...
  • #1 – Zagred. ...
  • Comments.

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One year and three months after the spade kingdom war, Asta proposed to Sister Lily for the last time, promising to make her happy. She rejects his proposal, stating that she sees him as family, referring to him as "My Dashing, Cute Little Brother".

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This magic attribute allows the user to generate and manipulate their own blood and the blood found in those around them however they wish, bending and shaping it to their will. In order to use it to its full potential, specific spells are required, which are stored within grimoires.

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Ultimate Magic 「究極魔法 Kyūkyoku Mahō」 is a secret magic technique of the Elf Tribe that embodies all of the magic of its user and creates a unique, powerful spell.

How tall is Asta? ›

Black Clover Statistics Chart
Asta155'1" / 155 cm
Nacht Faust295'11" / 180 cm
Vanessa Enoteca245'7" / 170 cm
Charmy Pappitson194'7" / 142 cm
11 more rows
Aug 23, 2024

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A popular fan theory suggests that Julius Novachrono, the Wizard King, might be Asta's father due to his abundance of magic and life force, which would have been necessary for Asta's conception.

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Normally in Black Clover, Anti-Magic would drain a mage of all their mana, leaving them unable to use any of their magic abilities. However, because Asta's mother, Lichita, naturally drained magic from everything near her, her son was born without a single bit of mana to his name.

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Ultimate Magic 「究極魔法 Kyūkyoku Mahō」 is a secret magic technique of the Elf Tribe that embodies all of the magic of its user and creates a unique, powerful spell.

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A grimoire (/ɡrɪmˈwɑːr/) (also known as a "book of spells", "magic book", or a "spellbook") is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms, and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such ...

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1 Asta's Five-Leaf Grimoire Gives Him Multiple Powers

Asta's five-leaf grimoire is unique and powerful, giving him access to swords and anti-magic. This dual-powered grimoire is one of the rarest in Black Clover, with a long history to go along with it.


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.